Cracking the Success Code - Are you on track for success ?

Cracking the Success Code – Are you on track for success ?

While in my career of Management Consulting, I have observed a consistent pattern in the Super Achievers. No, it is neither any exceptional skill nor any master stroke of luck; it is a something else, something more superior to skill, something more powerful than luck. Now the next question you may be thinking is what is that?  Can it be imbibe?
My answer is yes, there are distinguished pattern in Achiever’s and these patterns can be cultivated, however it needs immense commitment and it is worth committing

The first and foremost is the “Dream”, people who succeed and are achieving most are big dreamer, somehow they dream big, actually big and more importantly,  they believe and live in their dreams. They have enormous belief,  zeal and passion to achieve that something great in future, that ambition creates huge fire and desire to win. Ask yourself before thinking of success, how do you dream of yourself in success? Are you dreams clear or vague? Is it actually a passionate dream and to what extent you can commit for that? The answers will tell you if you are on right track and it will also showcase opportunity areas, any big journey starts with big dream, the quantum of your dream almost, always decides quantum of your success.

The second and equally Vital is the “Direction”,  the clear road map to achieve the dream, they have clear plans, strategy in place, they are  tied and navigated towards their dreams and  each  action is a passionate attempt to bring closer with dream and this quality essentially  segregates them from ordinary, they know where they are going and which road to take.

The third and most demanding is “Discipline”, yes it is the most demanding as it demands action irrespective of your comfort zone and pushes you to break habits , your limits  and your weaknesses but eventually it is the only way to acquire skill, confidence, strength required and  there are perhaps no shortcut. It is like if you have to gain success in health – Can you imagine it without discipline of exercise, quitting smoking, schedule adherence, nutritional food?  Can you imagine success in Sport without discipline of Schedule, Practice, Exercise, Efforts? There are no short cuts and perhaps, it is where we mess-up mostly.

The final trait is unclenching “Determination”, despite of all hard work, efforts, right focus , there will be obstacle challenges, disappointment and they realize it well and they treat it nothing more than a red light or speed breaker and moves on, with courage and patience. They simply refuse to quit, despite available gracious excuses to do so.  This Never Say Die Determination ensures exalted efforts, continued positivity, incorrigible courage,   eternal enthusiasm and eventually the success and more success.

Let’s go all out to achieve your dream, go all out to and remember there are no short cuts and it is worth taking the long road. The key is Dream Big and Stay passionate, Be clear in your Direction and Stay Focused, Commit yourself with Discipline and Push Limits, Display Unflinching Determination and Keep Moving towards Dream

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